Duduma Waterfalls

 Duduma Waterfall:

Duduma Waterfall is a spectacular waterfall located in the Badigada village of Koraput district, Odisha, India. It is one of the highest waterfalls in India, with a height of 574 feet (175 meters). The waterfall is formed by the River Machkund, which originates in the Eastern Ghats. The water from the river cascades over a series of rocks, creating a thunderous roar and a breathtaking sight.

Duduma Waterfalls


Duduma Waterfall is located in the remote Malkangiri district of Odisha, India. It is about 350 kilometers from the state capital, Bhubaneswar. The nearest town is Chitrakonda, which is about 50 kilometers away.


The history of Duduma Waterfall is not well-known. However, it is believed to have been formed millions of years ago, when the River Machkund carved its way through the rocks. The waterfall was first mentioned in a travelogue by a British officer in the early 19th century.

Facts and figures

Here are some facts and figures about Duduma Waterfall:

  • Duduma Waterfall is one of the highest waterfalls in India, with a height of 574 feet (175 meters).

  • The waterfall is formed by the River Machkund, which originates in the Eastern Ghats.

  • The water from the river cascades over a series of rocks, creating a spectacular sight.

  • The surrounding area is a lush green forest, home to a variety of plants and animals.

  • The waterfall is a popular tourist destination, and is especially beautiful during the monsoon season.

Physical features


Duduma Waterfall is one of the highest waterfalls in India, with a height of 574 feet (175 meters). The waterfall is divided into three tiers, with the tallest tier being 350 feet (107 meters) high.


Duduma Waterfall is shaped like a horsetail. The water cascades over a series of rocks, creating a beautiful and powerful sight.

Water volume:

The water volume of Duduma Waterfall varies depending on the season. The waterfall is most impressive during the monsoon season, when the water volume can reach up to 1,000 cubic feet per second (28 cubic meters per second).

Surrounding environment:

The waterfall is surrounded by a lush green forest. The forest is home to a variety of plants and animals, including elephants, tigers, and leopards.


How was Duduma Waterfall formed?

Duduma Waterfall was formed millions of years ago, when the River Machkund carved its way through the rocks. The waterfall is located in an area of hard rock, which has helped to resist erosion.

The rocks and minerals that make up the waterfall

The rocks that make up Duduma Waterfall are mostly sandstone and shale. The minerals that are found in the rocks include quartz, feldspar, and mica.


The plants and animals that live in the area around the waterfall

The area around Duduma Waterfall is home to a variety of plants and animals. Some of the plants that can be found in the area include bamboo, teak, and sal. Some of the animals that can be found in the area include elephants, tigers, leopards, and monkeys.


Duduma Waterfall is a popular tourist destination. The waterfall is especially beautiful during the monsoon season, when the water volume is high. There are a few trails that lead to the waterfall, and the trek is relatively easy.

How to reach Duduma Waterfall

Duduma Waterfall is a remote location. The nearest town is Chitrakonda, which is accessible by road. From Chitrakonda, you can take a jeep or a motorbike to the waterfall.

Things to do at Duduma Waterfall

There are a few things to do at Duduma Waterfall:

* Visit the waterfall and enjoy the view * Go for a swim in the pool below the waterfall * Trek in the surrounding forest * Bird watching * Camping

Best time to visit Duduma Waterfall

The best time to visit Duduma Waterfall is during the monsoon season (June to September). This is when the water volume is high and the waterfall is most impressive.


Duduma Waterfall is a beautiful and majestic waterfall that is worth visiting. It is a popular tourist destination, and is especially beautiful during the monsoon season. If you are looking for a unique and unforgettable travel experience, then Duduma Waterfall is the perfect place for you.

Also read: marmal waterfall 
