Jogigundi Falls

JogiGundi Falls

Jogi Gundi Falls is a hidden gem located in the Agumbe rainforest, Karnataka, India. Unlike traditional waterfalls that cascade down from a height, Jogi Gundi Falls originates from a cave and flows through a hill, creating a unique and serene atmosphere. Here's some information about the falls:

  • Location: Agumbe rainforest, Shimoga district, Karnataka, India.
  • Distance from Agumbe: 4 km
  • Height: 20 feet
  • Origin: Cave

How to reach:

Jogi Gundi Falls is not accessible by road. You can either trek from Agumbe bus stand (5 km) or take a jeep from Agumbe town (3 km). The final 600 meters to the falls is a trek through the forest.

Things to do:

  • Take a dip in the pool at the base of the falls.
  • Enjoy the scenic beauty of the surrounding rainforest.
  • Go for a short trek to explore the caves and streams around the falls.
  • Spot some of the many birds and animals that call the rainforest home.

Best time to visit:

The best time to visit Jogi Gundi Falls is during the monsoon season (June to September) when the falls are at their fullest. However, the falls can be enjoyed year-round.


  • Wear comfortable shoes and clothes that you don't mind getting wet.
  • Carry insect repellent and sunscreen.
  • Be careful not to litter and respect the natural environment.

Mini information:

  • There is a small entry fee to visit the falls.
  • There are no changing facilities or toilets available at the falls.
  • It is important to be aware of the risk of leeches in the rainforest.

I hope this information is helpful!
